Native Component Framework (NCF)

The NCF is a collection of COM components for C++/.NET developers. The binaries and header files are found under: Program Files / IT Software / Native Component Framework. There is an include directory there for C++ developers. Also the ReadMe.txt file contains all the Version Independent Prog ID’s needed to create the coclass’. The following coclass' are present in the NCF collection: AacEncoder, Mp3Encoder, WavEncoder, WmaEncoder, AudioCD (rip/gnudb), AudioPlayer, CollectionList, CollectionMap, CollectionPriorityQueue, Directory, File, FileStream, MemoryStream, Network, Path, Url, SettingsIniFile, SettingsRegistry, String and more. In order to have a valid license, you need to manually have a valid subscription to NCF. This will also give you limited support and feature requests. It only costs $3 a month.

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